to the whims of the reader. What's funny to one may not be funny to others. Still, humor of any kind provokes thought.
I don't laugh at a lot of today's comedians, maybe because of their choice of subject. Still may be funny to others. But I still read them. And I can laugh at them for what they are. Curious that! We all really want to laugh so that we don't all go crazier than we may be or become. Laughter does make life more tolerable if even for a short time.
Sarcastic humor is pretty much understood and even appreciated by most, especially if the subject happens to be one you think needs to be made fun of or derided. And right now, we need all the sarcastic political humor we can get! And don't forget, humor can remind us of things from the past that may not have seemed funny then, but at least we know why they were or weren't funny.
Many of us grew up with Groucho, Bob Hope, Red Skelton and many more but came to appreciate George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Patton Oswalt and others.
Put the toons wherever you wish. Those of us will find them and we will pass the especially pertinent ones on to others (or clip and save them to show friends). Some won't be remembered until that time in the future when, "Oh yeah! That reminds me of that cartoon I saw (wherever)!" And that in itself may elicit a reminiscent chuckle then. It happens.
I know it's a lot of work because some of us have engaged in similar things (things other than humor, also!), but believe me, it's appreciated...even the ones that sometimes aren't that funny right now...but may be later.
Category? Probably wherever you want or wherever the group leads.
Thanks, in advance, for the memories(!)