Story idea: A Balkanized United States [View all]
There's an interesting thread in GD, inspired by the Scottish independence vote: If the US had a vote to split into Red America and Blue America, how would you vote? There have been science fiction and alternate history stories set in a Balkanized America.
It's an improbable scenario, of course; but, it can make for interesting story possibilities. One possibility for such stories would be the issue of the cities which are islands of 'blue' in the middle of red states. EX: Austin, TX and Lawrence, KS.
You might develop the story with the idea that these cities would become, effectively, independent city-states. Such a concept in a modern world is, of course, unworkable; but, you might develop a scenario where it could work.
Maybe a world where these blue city-states use local, green energy and have their own manufacturing, possibly based on 3D-printing or nanotechnology. Travel through red areas would probably be by air or along specified corridors.
If you use the idea, you've got to split the royalties with me for giving you the idea.