I don't think that with only 10 copies that KDP would be the best way to go.
Instead, I think you might be better off going to a UPS store, or (I don't know if they have Kinkos any more?) or some kind of service where you can take the files (should be in .pdf for printing), get them printed out, then you can assemble. This vs buying a new printer. For photos, they look crappy unless printed on an ink printer made for photo printing, and then be prepared to go through a ton of ink.
Laser would be my preference, but color laser printers are quite expensive, and coupled with the cost of toner.... expensive!
This is why I would use a printing service. If there are a lot of photos, I would suggest a larger size paper (where each page is like 8 1/2 x 11 vs the size of a paperback which is often 9 x 6) and then I would print the cover on thicker paper, maybe glossy? One large sheet (11 x 17 Tabloid) that serves as the front and back, then the book contents on a normal thickness of paper.
If you are printing photos, then be sure to select a bright white paper (vs cream), as they look better (in my opinion). Of course it costs more (as does color printing)