Question for Borderlands 2 players. Did I do something wrong? If not, WTH? [View all]
OK, so I am playing this awesome game after reading a few of the gamers here raving about but I've just had an incident that makes me want to give up.
Don't get me wrong, I've had a lot of fun over several hours learning this and that and have become an excellent marksman with the uncommon sniper rifle I collected after Sir Hammerlock's bad hair day.
However, after getting past Boom and Bewm and multiple hordes of psychos/bandits etc I got to the boss fight with Captain Flynt and, as by then it was time to crash, I clicked on "save and quit" fully expecting to resume where I left off. Trouble is, when I started it just now after loading up the game and clicking on "Continue" I have ended up back at Liars Berg on the Southern Shelf!
The thought of having to fight all the way back to where I spent a few hours getting to (and the chance that something like this could happen later on in the game, too) is making me feel like giving up and playing something that knows what "save" means.
Is this normal, or a glitch? If this is normal, any tips on cheats anyone knows about?