and not worrying about the graphics.
Just sayin', me personally, I get a lot of my joy playing games from how good they look. I'm into building PC's (though mines long in the tooth at this point ... it's a 1st Generation I7 overclocked Xenon with 6-cores (12 w/hyperthreading) so it's a strong enough platform still) and have managed to scrape up enough to replace my GPU with a good mid-range card every 2-3 years which keeps me running most games on high to very high settings. Squeezing out all the perf I can is a bit of a hobby, and so getting an image that looks really cool is a goal.
That's just me ... and no I've no builds ... I mostly play FPS (single player stuff, not into running around shooting other people with the kiddies ... though I like Co-Op stuff like Borderlands) and action RPG's like Grim Dawn, Diablo, Titan Quest, etc. Don't have any Coaster games.
You could probably buy a used desktop PC strong enough to run Planet Coaster (and most other newer games) off of someone in need of a quick buck for probably $150-175 ... it doesn't take THAT much juice esp. if you're willing to play with lower settings until you can afford a nicer GPU than you'd find at that price. Just throwing it out there.
Anyways, Happy Tycooning!