Well... The Leviathan Expedition ended yesterday, and man was that fun. I saw some youtube videos of some of the more popular NMS streamers and they were completing it in just under an hour... Crazy shit. My first run through took me almost 30 hours and covered the first five weeks of the expedition. I did complete it once more though and ended up with a much better ship for Survival mode, which completing that to the center of the first galaxy is one of the two trophies I have left (the other is finish in perma-death.. I'm working on it). I hope they do more perma-death expeditions.
So... What's next? I don't know but it will be out before long. They have announced the Switch verion for sometime in October... I don't really care about the Switch but what they said about what will be included on the disk is very interesting. It is going to include almost all of the named updates released so far (no multi player for the Switch so that is excluded) and... One not released. So that tell us that sometime between now and the Oct release of the Switch version, there will be another named updated. Named updates are pretty sizable and introduce something new and cool.
I suppose there is also the chance of another expedition between now and then... Maybe, maybe not... The expedition releases are not very steady. They've come fast and also very slow so... We'll see. My guess is that we'll see it around the end of September but... That is just a guess, all we know for sure is that it will be out by the Switch release in October.