Hi DU Friends (soliciting world travel advice) [View all]
I am so jazzed. I am in San Diego tonight right on the beach. I begin my world tour on Saturday. My family and I are going to the following places:
Honolulu 3 nights
Sydney Australia 7 nights, Hobart 3 nights, Adelaide 1 night, Murray Bridge 3 nights, Perth 4 nights, Brisbane 4 nights from there we go to:
Ho Chi Minh City 4 nights, Doha Qatar 1 night, Johannesburg 2 nights, Cape Town 4 nights, Athens 2 nights, Warsaw 3 nights, Frankfurt 4 nights, Berlin 2 nights, Rothenburg 2 nights, Nuremburg 1 night, Lisbon 3 nights from there we go to:
Soa Paulo 1 night, Montevideo 4 nights and Lima 1 night, coming back into the US via Miami 2 nights and then home to Tacoma WA
For a total of 69 days
I am singing and speaking in Sydney, Perth, Capetown, Warsaw, Berlin, Lisbon and Montevideo. I just got an Honorary Doctorate in Sacred Music and this is part of the trip, working on church music.
I ask for your good wishes and or prayers.
I have been to all the European cities but never the others if you have been to any of them can you give me rec's on what to do, etc....specially curious about Ho Chi Minh City, Capetown and Montevideo
Thanks in Advance Mike C