singing the church has always been my life. When I was 11-12 I sang for the Vatican Boy Choir and then at age 14 both my parents were gone, but before they died we immigraed to the US. I became the foster child of aLutheran Pastor and his wif, I wound up singing all over the US with 6 others for 15 months. I also have been the chair of the Tacoma Refugee Choir. Music saved my life. Also saved me from getting kicked out of the Catholic School I attended. When I got back from the Vatican I knew they wouldn't kick me out, because all they did was brag about how they had one of their own sing in that choir. I was a horrible child for about a year after I came back. But in all serious, you are so right, it realy helps to have a reason to travel besides pure tourism. Also it is so much btter with others. If you do go to another country, I highly recommend looking at a site called "Eat with a local" for a fee (not cheap, usually 50-100 a person) it will hook you up with a person or family that is fluent in English and they will have you over for a meal. MY wife and I did that in Barcelona and are doing it in Portugal, Uraguay and South Africa-Mike C