Do we have FREE WILL? [View all]
Are we the master of our own destiny or are we all victims of fate? Is our lifes paths predetermined as part of Gods plan or can you overcome your circumstances? Are we prisioners to fate or to our biology?
The idea / concept of free will to make decisions that impact our futures touches all of our lives every day, but many people believe that free will is an illusion. It is true that no-one knows what is going to happen next. Life is a tale of the unexpected and through the amazing and yet to be fully understood complexity of our consciousness we make daily decisions about what we do. But can those decisions ever be truly unfettered and if not, how can we have pure free will? There is an ideal of free will that there is magical power to make choices for ourselves, that are not constrained choices. That in some way our choices are not predetermined to some extent by our history, our biology, our society. How can that be logical? Surely, we are all products, to one degree or another, of our past.
Is free will all a matter a definition? Free will and free wont mean different things to people from different faiths and those of no faith. If we go with a pragmatic definition of free will then I think we can accept that most human beings have the capacity to learn from our mistakes and adjust our future behaviour accordingly.
The theology of free will is somewhat baffling. If your faith construct offers you a belief in a final judgement, in eternal punishment or eternal salvation then to justify this you need to attribute to human beings not only the capacity to make choices, but that we have the capacity to make choices that are wholly responsible for what we do, how we do it, and the outcomes for us from those choices. In essence, the buck stops with us. But this cannot be realistic. We can of course all make moral choices but they are constrained by environmental, societal and historical factors. We do not have pure free will, to pretend otherwise is a cop out for those who are not interested in social justice.
Pure free will is used as a great excuse to stifle social support networks. If they just made better choices, they would better themselves. They have a freedom to choose. Free will is much more complex than that.