From the article:
The students voted 81 to 8 against the residential camp, with two abstentions, although a final decision will be made by the college's governing body next week.
And the linked Oxford Student newspaper:
In its 3rd week meeting on Sunday the LMH JCR debated whether or not to voice its dissent to the potential hosting of the conservative Christian organisation Christian Concern. The debate was consultative and the governing body will make its final decision in 4th week but the JCR voted to oppose Christian Concern with 81 votes for, 8 against and 2 abstentions.
The decision should have been made by now, but I can't find an update, just this from 10 days ago:
The Lady Margaret Hall spokeswoman said it had sought assurances from Christian Concern that it will "indemnify LMH for additional security costs" and "agree to engage in meaningful 'evidence, questioning and argument'" before considering its request.
Lady Margaret Hall's governing body will meet this week to consider the booking, if Christian Concern accepts the two conditions.