When It Comes to Religious Belief, Disagreement Is NOT Intolerance. [View all]
Religion is based on belief or faith, rather than facts. No two people believe exactly the same. In a broader sample, people believe a very wide rage of things if they are religious. Even within religions, differences exist in exactly what is believed. The vast number of denominations of Christianity demonstrates that.
For those who are not religious, such beliefs are thought to be incorrect and to be mere emotional responses to unanswerable questions. It is never intolerant to say, "I do not believe as you do." It is not intolerant to say, "I do not believe that any supernatural entities exist." That is merely disagreement.
What is intolerant is an expressed opinion that a person should be treated differently based on belief or nonbelief of some religious dogma. The nonbeliever is not a lesser person for that lack of belief, nor is the believer diminished in importance based on belief. Both should be treated equally. To treat a person as less than an equal is intolerance. Mere disagreement is not intolerance.
In most situations, discussion of religious belief is a waste of time. Here, in the Religion Group on DU, that sort of discussion is the order of the day, however. It is not intolerant here to either claim that a belief is true nor to claim that it has no merit. It is merely discussion where people do not agree with each other.
What is intolerant in religious discussions is making accusations of intolerance when only a disagreement occurs.