In reply to the discussion: How is 'Jesus Son of God' different from sons of Greek gods? Ever hear sermon on this? [View all]struggle4progress
(121,004 posts)For example, I have never seen any Buddhist text teaching that Buddha was crucified, descended into hell for three days, and then ascended into heaven. The Mahaparinibbana sutra, for example, makes it sound as if Buddha died after several days of food poisoning
Much of the nonsense on the FFRF webpage you link probably comes from the Kersey Graves silly book, The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors
Graves once saw a statue of Krishna with a hole in his foot and concluded that Krishna had been crucified -- although the Mahabharata contains a story that a hunter shot Krishna in the foot with an arrow
Graves says of Osiris: Osiris appeared on earth to benefit mankind, and .. by rising from the dead, after being crucified, he became the judge of mankind in a future state. But in the actual Egyptian story, Osiris was a ruler, murdered by his brother Set, whoicast his dismembered body into the Nile, from which place his widow Isis retrieved and temporarily reanimated most of his his body so she could become pregnant, although afterwards the green-skinned Osiris was described only as the ruler of the land of the dead.