I dont get it. Religion, almost by definition, subjugates humanity to some deity and, of course, its self-professed oracles.
Humanists/Humanitarians do good deeds for others, for animals, and for the planet out of the goodness of our hearts, not out of a need for public accolades, by command of Zeus, or in trade for entry through the pearly gates.
It isnt that we consider the religious forms and ideas of our fathers no longer adequate, its that we recognize religion for what it is - all the good it has done, and all the evil it has done - and we choose not to turn a blind eye just because there is a New and Improved, Revised Religion 3.0.
The lyrics are periodically updated and revised as needed, but religion is essentially the same song it has always been: We arent the Crusades, the witch burnings, or slavery; and we arent the thousands upon thousands of child molestations and rapes by clergy, the cover-ups that followed, or the gaudy wealth we fought to keep from the victims. We are love, loaves, and fishes . . . just like the average humanist.
No sane humanist would ever be comfortable with such a forced marriage.