The Icelandic Pagan Association receives hate-mail from reactionary pagans abroad [View all]
Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, the high priest of The Ásatrúarfélag, the congregation of practitioners of the ancient heathen religion of Scandinavia and the settlers of Iceland, tells local news service that the congregation is considering how to react to foreign practitioners of the faith who are unhappy with the liberal beliefs and attitudes of Icelandic religion.
Some foreign pagans disapprove of Icelandic tolerance
The Ásatrúarfélag Association has begun the construction of its temple in Reykjavík. The temple will be the first pagan temple to be built in the Nordic countries in nearly a millennium. The temple has caused considerable interest abroad. Hilmar has heard of foreign groups who intend to visit to temple to consecrate it in their own manner, to "correct" what those groups see as the incorrect tolerance of Icelanders.