One feels regarding trump is normal.
When one actually comes to terms about sociopathy,malignant narcissism and realizes they wont change,or grow empathy or stop being abusive cruel or grifting you have to face the fact some people are toxic. And to feel utter revulsion at these dark triad monsters is your own psychological self preservation kicking in.
telling you that person is toxic,hence the nausea.
The dark triad assholes like trump
Create traumas and enjoy abusing others and ruining everything they touch. They know what good and evil is and they choose to not give a shit about that.
Likewise hate can have a positive purpose because after some bully narcissist asshole makes you sick because thier dangerous and toxic behavior Hate is what makes you want to destroy the sociopath or stay the hell away from them.
Some people are so disgusting toxic hating them serves another function,helps people who associate with you recognize the toxin in a human suit is a problem to avoid. Most people dont express hate who have empathy,the hate can be both a pressure valve and a warning.
To destroy a psychopath is part of recognizing a psychological toxin.
You'd feel no shame in destroying a tick you found in your hair.
Or uprooting the poison ivy in your yard .
Destrying a psychologically toxic asshole is a job because karma only works when you yourself become the karma these monsters need to keep from poisoning all you hold dear.
Magically just kill the fucking psychopath malignant narcissist,and sociopath.
It will help not just you but all of creation.