Can I Raise Magical Energy With Exercise? [View all]
Question: Can I Raise Magical Energy With Exercise?
A reader writes in, "I had a weird experience at the gym today. While I was using the cycle, I found myself sort of zoning out... and I swear, I think I had an encounter with a deity, with her talking to me and everything. It was almost as though I left my body and went somewhere else. Am I cracking up, or do goddesses actually speak to big beautiful women on recumbent bikes? Was I raising spiritual energy as well as generating physical energy?"
Energy is something that is part of us all the time - we're living beings that are constantly in motion. Some activities tend to increase our energy levels a lot more than others. This may be because of the natural high that we experience when we produce endorphins, or it may because during certain activities we are able to focus and "get into a zone", so to speak, that allows us to consciously generate energy and power.