Cats choose their people, and I accept that. I do believe that if they hadn't tried taking her in and feeding her, she would have stayed with me.
Having taken her in and started feeding her, I feel they should be responsible for her vet care.
These are the same people who tried to get me to "let" their disabled (permanently 7 year old) daughter "help me" with my horses. As in, while I'm lugging water buckets, mucking stalls, whacking weeds out of the pasture, fixing fences, shoveling snow and essentially breaking my back, she can "help" me by grooming and exercising my horse -- under my watchful eye of course, because her horse abilities are limited to the handicapped riding program, meaning, one-on-one monitoring. And of course I slaved and saved for years and work my ass off solely for the joy of letting other people play with my horse because they "love" them so much, not to mention jproviding free babysitting services.
The buttons they are pushing run right to the core of my life and my being. Whenever anything good came to me, no matter how hard I had worked for it, if either of my sisters wanted it...or any neighbor's kid or any friggin' stranger off the street, I was "selfish" for wanting to keep my hard-earned reward and not give it all away.
There was no turnabout, mind you. It was strictly a one-way street. Because no matter how hard I had worked for something, it was always that I was "lucky."
As far as I'm concerned, they are all a bunch of lazy moochers. And they have managed to mooch off my kitty love, while I'm stuck paying the expenses.
I'll never forget the sheer relief I felt when I told my avian vet I guessed I was lucky because all my birds were so sweet. And she yelled at me "Don't ever let anybody tell you it is luck, because it's not! It's work!!! Your birds are sweet because you work hard, you feed them a good diet, you handle them correctly! And that's not LUCK, it's WORK!!!!!"