I sense that MT is not. Sadly.
These are times of cleansing for all of us. Ask yourself "why" you are allowing yourself to become so upset about this event? Is it bringing up abandonment issues for you? Control issues? (Cats are excellent at throwing both in our faces! They simply WON'T adhere to our wishes!) Some of us are here to be "the responsible ones". Our world would not have made it if not for us, & it won't continue on without us. Alas, it is frustrating at times, but I'm guessing you CAN'T be any other way! It's your destiny! It's what gives you self-respect. You are reflecting their behavior. Part of us realizing we are all ONE. And MT does not like this part of US.
I can relate, as I am going thru some similar cleansing. Finding that I simply must "let it go" & "rise above it". Stepping back and asking yourself what is the REAL best outcome you wish for. Isn't it that Belladonna is healthy & happy? That neighbors live in harmony? For those things to happen we must all do our part. Granted, being the responsible one is the heavy part, but reflect on the good that can be created in the end. Perhaps you can teach those neighbors responsibility by your actions. Paying it forward, so to speak. Be the example for these people. If they learn, good. If they don't, you did your best & your part. The only one being hurt & upset by this is YOU! Let.it.go. I remember when you first shared the Belladonna story, you knew she had entered your life for a reason. Animals are some of our best teachers. You know this from your horses! They all teach us different things & require us to reflect on our own issues. It is a time for all of us to go deep within & expel the emotions that no long serve us & US (the greater whole). To expel them, we must acknowledge them & recognize them before we know how to deal w/them. We are crossing the divide between "us & them" (duality of 3D world) into the WE (4th/5th D). Fording rivers is never easy, but the reward on the other side is!
Take some time for just you & escape this world in meditation for a while. I know you have much responsibility doing all this by yourself, but you deserve to be responsible to the inner YOU, too. Allow that inner you to rise above it all. The outlook from above is completely different, as will be your perspective! Hug your self for all the good you do. If no one else appreciates it, at least YOU do! Here's one to get you started: