nice way to get in 10 posts... non controversial in old post about dowsing.... I live in the town where the American Society of Dowsers has their headquarters... one of the best (Paul Sevigny) dowsed my spring years ago and it was pure delight watching him... at the time the land was overgrown...he took his rods and within minutes he was standing in an area and told us how far down the water was and the flow rate we could expect... the contractors dug the spring and he was spot on and in 20 years we have never had a problem .....I use a pendulum but have not used my dowsing rods much...
..."Mr. Sevigny, a native of Vermont and a retired Air Force officer, said he became a trustee of the society 14 years ago while he was still a skeptic.
He took up dowsing about six years ago, he continued, and has advised about 750 people in this area where to drill wells. He said 700 found water where he said it would be. Fees Given to Charity
His fees, amounting to thousands of dollars, have gone to charity, Mr. Sevigny said, He is commander of the American Legion post and founder and head of the ambulance squad.
''This town's lucky to have him around,'' said Harold Martin, a manager at the Danville General Store. The society held its first convention in 1958, attracting 50 people. Now it lists 2,700 members and has an annual budget of $60,000.
Mr. Sevigny said dowsing is an ability all people possess but have left behind."
-from a 1982 NYT article