definitely. There has been a heightened amount of chatter about that in the last 2 years. There's been talk for way longer than that but in the last 2 years I've notice lot more about the cover ups that have been going on and of it all coming to light soon. Even recently in a thread I wish I could remember there was a link to an audio interview of a guy who studied patterns or something similar. He said he noticed the Vatican had changed their stance on UFO's and disclosure. He said thats something they wouldn't do-change their official views and most definitely not about alien disclosure unless they knew something we didn't and possibly wanting to change their image of always being behind the times maybe wanting to be at forefront of whatever was coming. He felt from is observations something big was coming soon and even sounded a little shaken by what he was noticing.
But, not just that, I've also noticed a lot of talk about parallel universes and timeline jumping. Maybe there will be more proof of this and people saying and maybe proving they have experienced this. Or, some other happening we arent expecting that we have relegated to a sifi or fantasy movie we've seen or, maybe all of the above. Now that would surely blow everyones mind. Who knows...I guess well see. But, I do believe that something is coming at some point soon that will change the way we see ourselves and existence itself and not just for the Bible thumper but for all of us.
I know. I can get long winded but we do live in interesting times. :-D