I know you said you weren't able to post the graphic, but perhaps you could simply manually provide us with the details about where these transits are hitting his chart by sign, house, and degree? I'd look it up myself, but I don't want to pollute my computer with his data. 🤣
Seriously though, where those transits actually hit his chart will make a big difference as to their effects. If they hit or negatively aspect his tenth or any planets therein, I can see what you're saying, but if it's anywhere else in his chart, the effects will be directed to another part of his life. In another house - 6th or 12th, for example - they could signify problems with his physical/mental health (both of which we already know aren't that great).
Another factor is whether and where these transits would also affect Vance and/or Johnson. If they do, then yes, I could give credence to your theory; if not, it would seem to me that it's unlikely to unseat him unless he dies or is 25th'd.
It is interesting to note, however, that the date, March 4, was the original date of the inauguration before it was moved to Jan 20.