Some new predictions for the next couple of months. [View all]
Aries is going to be FUN! I have the sense of major, fiery uprisings coming out of the Mars Retro. Political upheaval, social catastrophe. I'm actually looking forward to it because I didn't think the U.S. really had it in itself to revolt. Now, I think it's possible.
We all know Rush is done, but I think he will officially throw in the towel in April.
Speaking of throwing in the towel, my guess is that April is also when what's left of DU's administrators will decide to scrap the DU3 concept. Don't know what the next incarnation will look like and I probably won't stick around to find out.
I've posted repeatedly that the GOP primary follies may not include the 'real' person they are going to nominate. My feeling is that the Republican nominee will finally show himself in May. (It's possible it's one of the people who has already declared, but I can't make myself believe that.)
I think Google may get hit with more backlash than it was expecting re: its changes to the privacy settings. My guess is that they do some damage control, possibly even ditch the new policy altogether because of users' reactions. June, maybe? Could happen earlier.
For some reason, I feel there will be an attempt to really get us out of Afghanistan later on this summer. August. Really out. Not stuck there beyond 2014 in various advisory/peacekeeping capacities, but totally withdrawn. Maybe this is wishful thinking on my part, but it's what's been coming through to me this month.