Stand your ground for country mice -- and city mice, too [View all]
This is the most painful column I have ever written.
With so many other women and men, I waited eagerly on Nov. 8 to celebrate Hillary Clinton as the first female president of the United States. As the returns came in, I began to feel physically ill. At 1:30 a.m., I fell into a troubled sleep, only to discover upon awakening that my worst fears had been realized.
A candidate who tacitly admitted to sexually assaulting women, played havoc with the truth, and shamelessly pandered to voters' racism, sexism and xenophobia had been elected to my country's highest office.
For two days, I walked around feeling hollow and disoriented.
Praying didn't help much but I still prayed a lot.
Our country mouse cousins have spoken. They have the Washington "shakeup" they voted for. I'm listening to my country friends after all, I grew up in rural Ohio and love and respect those who still live there.
So, yes, we city mice hear you. And I promise to be there for you when the policies of the orange alley cat you voted in (and his voracious friends) try to make lunchmeat of us all.
Because, in the end, Hillary Clinton had it right: We are all in this together.
Orange alley cat
Don't insult alley cats by comparing them to the Orange Antichrist.