No Donny Jr the bible is not an instruction manual on moral teachings [View all]
it is a book of spiritual truth that testifies of the Lord Jesus Christ.Such statements reveal how unchristian the Trump family really is. Especially sense they all live filthy. Some may disagree,but I believe someone could live filthy and still be Christian,but they better testify of finish work of Christ in order for me to believe their Christians. Donald may have fooled the Christian right by claiming to believe in God and the bible, but when has he ever testified of Christ? Testifies of himself all the time though. When he read the Psalms the other day that was about the most unnatural rehearsed fake thing I've seen in a long time. I doubt he even believes Jesus Christ is the Lord and ruler of the universe. When he was interviewed by some Christian magazine awhile back and was asked who God was to him? He did not give a biblical answer. Instead of answering who God was to him he answered what God was to him by saying God is the ultimate. All Christians know God is the ultimate,but that wasn't the question. A central tenet of Christianity is who Christ is to us. He is our Lord and God.