Why Mormons do not believe in Trinity- The word Trinity does not appear in the Bible. And many of its conclusions are not biblical.
Gnostic Christians who were deemed apostate by some branches of Christianity as it formed after the death of the Apostles believed that matter was evil this idea crept into the formulation of the Nicene Creed.
Gnostics believed God was a transcendent being and if Christ was equal to the Father then he had to be transcendent also. Thus they were of the same substance. Hence they inserted the doctrine and beliefs into Christian doctrine. How did Christ come to earth and take physical body and remain transcendent? This is where the creed becomes difficult to say it came from the Bible.
Gnostic doctrines were eventually determined apostate and John earlier spoke against them in his last 3 works.
Christ and his Apostles never taught the Nicene Creed, it was formed by a council of bishops and other leaders but not with apostolic authority. It was convened by a murderous pagan named Constantine who had absolutely no authority to assemble it. Constantine did his part to form the creed.
This was all done after revelation had ceased and 300 years after the death of Christ. The Bible was not even a completely assembled book at the time. Since creeds formulation there have been many versions of it; each church revising it to fit their particular structure of belief. A Catholic encyclopedia notes that Trinitarianism doesnt really appear until the last 25 years of the 4th century:
The 3rd ecumenical council declared it unlawful to change the creed. Protestants did that. How can they explain the right to change it? At what point did they stop accepting Catholic doctrine?
On top of all this there are many New Testament scripture that do not support the NC. To mention a few; Acts 7:55-56; Matt. 3:16; Rom. 1:20; John 17:3; Rom. 1:20; act 1:11; John 17:21-22; John 20:17; Heb. 1:8-9.
Mormons are called non Christian because we dont accept the doctrine of the Trinity as found in the Nicene Creed, we will not call you non Christian because you do. Quit the name calling. We believe in Christ with all our hearts.