Christian Liberals & Progressive People of Faith
In reply to the discussion: Christian Right [View all]macbug
(22 posts)The abortions issue is like an old southern fable, "Tar Baby" once you touch it, you cannot let it go, and if you do, you have tar all over you. So let me share what I have come up with: First Abortion is murdering the only innocent thing in the human race an unborn child, correct. The bible states we are born into sin. So being sinless in theory, never committing a sin in an unlived life, my conclusion is an aborted baby's sole goes straight to heaven with God. They are lucky enough not to go through this mess we are living through today. So what are we fighting against? If abortion was something God wanted to end, it would be ended. My theory after 30 years of fighting abortion is this; I put it in Gods hands. It is no longer a political litmus test. Now I look at how they vote, who they take money from and especially their net worth before being elected and after. If their wealth increased dynamically after being elected, they are corrupt and crooked. Yet we still keep electing them, which in my opinion is the real sin.