(Jewish Group) I listened to Kanye West slander Jews for three hours so that you don't have to [View all]
Less than five minutes into a recent interview, Kanye West began to blame his difficulties on the Jews.
Theyve been fing with me too long, West said of every Jew in his life. During the three-hour video episode of the podcast Drink Champs, which was removed from YouTube and other platforms overnight, his antisemitism flowed as quickly as the Cognac. Every problem had a Jewish answer.
The only person who was never held accountable? West himself.
West, who has legally changed his name to Ye, last week sparked international outrage for promising to go Death Con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE. Following the tweet, he was temporarily banned from posting to Instagram and Twitter; on Monday morning, news outlets reported that he would buy the far-right social medial platform Parler.
On the podcast, West said that Los Angeles Apparel also backed out of a deal to print his White Lives Matter T-shirts.
He may be a delusional asshole, but he has LOTS of followers and his bigotry emboldens others, just like his hero, the former Squatter-in-Chief!