First, thank you for coming into the Jewish Group and being respectful. That was a really nice surprise. Second, some of the things you brought up are quite true, but it doesn't paint the entire picture of the situation. Thirdly, anti-Semitism isn't just screeching "KIKE!" or claims "Jews run the world!", often, especially on the left, it is more nuanced. While I know you didn't make the previous claim, it is usually the basis of arguments like yours. Anti-Semitism has to be "in one's face" for it to truly be anti-Semitism; that is simply not the truth.
It is true the Democratic Party is in NO WAY at the same level of anti-Semitism as the Republican Party and the right. Were it a contest as to who was the most anti-Semitic, the Democratic party wouldn't even come a close second and there are only two groups! However, it doesn't mean anti-Semitism doesn't exist on the left; it does. It doesn't mean because anti-Semitism is far worse on the right it should be ignored or minimized on the left; that is bigoted. Sadly, both of those statements are exactly some of the issues on the left. Anti-Semitism is routinely mocked, especially with cries of "playing the anti-Semitism card", which is a right-wing parallel of the right's constant brays of "playing the race card" or the updated version, "they are a DEI hire". Sometimes, of course, false accusations of anti-Semitism exist, almost always from the right, but not exclusively. This happens with ALL minority groups. Another issue is that of "'splainin'" to Jews what is and isn't anti-Semitic, especially by those who AREN'T Jews. This is also a form of anti-Semitism. Which leads to one of the key components, IMO, of the piece:
Its emblematic of the cynical politics of anti-Semitism today, where many political partisans attend to anti-Jewish prejudice only if it can be pinned on the other team. Otherwise, they either ignore it or make excuses for it.
That is
VERY common on the left! So much so, it is almost a game to them, and it pisses many Jews off in a way that makes us question their true commitment to diversity and inclusion. It is also not limited to non-Jews, because some of the worst offenders of defending, excusing, or diminishing anti-Semitism comes from people who are Jews or claim it because they allegedly had some distant relative in the woodpile. Being a Jew or being related to one, doesn't give one license to utilize, excuse or diminish anti-Semitism.
Too many on the left, usually the fringe, use Israel as an excuse or cover for their anti-Semitism, and that is also problematic. Being "pro-Israel" doesn't mean the person isn't anti-Semitic any more than being "anti-Israel" is automatically anti-Semitic. If one's criticism of Israel is simply an ancient anti-Semitic trope and the word "Jew" is removed and "Israel" substituted in, that is anti-Semitism. Accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel is anti-Semitic and it has been used a NUMBER of times against Jews on the left. Being proud of being Jewish is seen as something "bad" and we should be ashamed of it; that is anti-Semitism. Being triggered by Jewish symbols and launching into an anti-Israel (some pretend a pro-Palestinian) screed, is also anti-Semitic.
Jews aren't just a minority at DU and in the US, we are a minority worldwide, yet some
refuse to accept this and still cling to the notion we are all powerful, despite our numbers. So, while true anti-Semitism isn't the scourge it is on the right, it does exist, it is wrong, it should be confronted and combatted, and it is high time that those on the left stop with the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy (anti-Semitism
can't exist on the left because we are the left) and the "but, but, but, they are married to a Jew, allegedly have Jewish ancestry" and the like (including BEING a Jew) to hide behind and claim what they are saying/have done isn't anti-Semitic because of those reasons; it is a false defense.
So, the Democratic Party (and left, in general) is not anti-Semitic, but anti-Semitism does exist and when it surfaces, it should be condemned full-throated and put in its place as the bigotry it is. The Democratic Party is supposed to be "big tent" but that should
NOT include anti-Semitic clowns!