Only the Connection [View all]
On your deathbed
will you still care
about all the arguments won,
all the times you proved to others
how 'right' you were, or how 'enlightened',
all the knowledge you amassed on your journey
to this moment?
Will you still be thinking about how much money you made or didn't make, how far you advanced up the material or spiritual or social ladder?
Or perhaps only this moment will matter. Only the grace and shock and awe of each and every breath, only the infinite fragility of life itself and the near-unbearable gratitude for having been alive at all.
Like the dream of Christmases long ago, perhaps you will not remember the size or shape or worldly value of the gifts that were offered, or what the gifts were wrapped in, or who got a bigger or better gift than you. Perhaps you will only remember the love and the longing and the hope with which the gifts were given, and received.
It was only ever
about the
- Jeff Foster
If today were my last day on earth I would probably spend it the same way. With a different attitude. Same chores. Same activities. Still procrastinating on the lap-top with my second cup of chai. The same work. I wouldn't put it off. But more appreciation. More humor. More laughing.
It's going to be a good day.