Watch 'spaghetti monster' with dozens of pink-tipped sausage legs swimming near Nazca Ridge [View all]
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is real!
Researchers exploring the seafloor off the coast of Chile recently captured mesmerizing footage of a flying spaghetti monster a carnivorous, colonial creature with countless milky-white arms.
New footage shows a "flying spaghetti monster" waving its many arms nearly 2,200 feet (665 meters) below the surface, near an underwater mountain off the coast of Chile.
Scientists captured the footage with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) deployed from the research vessel Falkor (too) close to a previously unexplored seamount on the Nazca Ridge, an underwater mountain chain in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. In the video, the spaghetti monster (Bathyphysa conifera) is filmed up close, revealing the creature's pink-tipped, sausage-like arms and other filamentous appendages.