Ben Carson denies climate change and tries to clarify his stance on evolution [View all]
Ben Carson denies climate change and tries to clarify his stance on evolution
October 4, 2015 by Dan Arel
Speaking in New Hampshire last week, GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson was asked by an audience member to clear up his stance on climate change and evolution.
You dont believe in evolution or climate change, I believe. And I was just wondering, do you seriously not believe that climate change is happening?
asked someone in attendance.
Carson first attempted to clear up his stance on climate change, showing that he doesnt understand the evidence and causality of global climate change.
Is there climate change? Of course, theres climate change. Any point in time, temperatures are going up or temperatures are going down. Of course, thats happening. When that stops happening, thats when were in big trouble.
The crowd applauded Carsons ignorance before he turned his attention to evolution.
As far as evolution is concerned, you know, I do believe in micro-evolution, or natural selection, but I believe that God gave the creatures he made the ability to adapt to their environment. Because hes very smart and he didnt want to start over every 50 years.
It is important to remember that Carson is a retired neurosurgeon and a successful one at that. Yet he doesnt know that micro and macro evolution are the same thing and that if he claims he accepts natural selection he must then accept both?
The stupid, it burns.