How the interment of these kids is a set back for rationalists and a win for god botherers [View all]
A few months ago, cracks appeared in our nation’s obsession with treating Christian fantasies as facts when the outrage over the Parkland murders made it OK to openly aver that offering thoughts and prayers was an insulting waste of time and energy. It was suddenly OK to state the obvious: prayer is useless, self aggrandizing navel gazing that allows the prayer to feel they have done something positive when all they are doing is mumbling to themselves, absolving themselves of taking any action that might actually make a difference.
Fast forward to our present situation, and what do we see? Ministers and other fantasy peddlers clogging the airwaves, telling us how the Rs citing the BuyBull to justify their horrible immigration policies is “unchristian,” and how dare they “use the word of god” to justify their acts. And it’s not just the clergy. It’s guests on Joy Reid and elsewhere averring that “gods word is being abused” to advance a RW agenda.
Hello! Isn’t the REAL problem that we accept the touting of the make believe of Christianity to infect our public discourse? What’s worse? Spouting the mindless prattle of thoughts and prayers in response to a tragedy or spouting the equally mindless prattle that the make believe of the Christian faith should have any standing in public immigration policy?
There is no fucking word of god because there is no fucking god. The words of the BuyBull have no more authority or agency than any other thought that has sprung from the minds of men over the centuries. Arguing over the use or misue of “god’s word” is little more than offering tacet approval of fantasy being raised to an even higher level than objective fact in setting public policy.