If you look the word up, it says:
"a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable
broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something"
So, the Beatles idea of agnostic maybe different from the American dictionary.
I believed that when I called myself an Agnostic, it meant: I didn't believe in an established religion but I believed there was some kind of god. Buying into the logical fallacy of the "god of the gaps".
Today, I have given up all pretense of thinking a god exists. I have found absolutely no valid evidence for anything supernatural, magical or demonic. But I'm still open if any of it shows up.
So I call myself an Atheist now. My unbelief is so strong that watching supernatural horror stories about ghost and monsters doesn't even scare me anymore.....though I still love to watch them.
It has been so freeing to give up this notion that one day, after I die probably, I will have to pay for all my mistakes. Yes mistakes, because I, like most people, didn't commit sins on purpose. They were accidents, self control issues and emotional blunders.
I would have to pay for all those mistakes by being tortured for all eternity. That is one scary death priests, pastors and religions have made up for us.