Sorry, but I have MCS - multiple chemical sensitivity. It is real.
I don't see how MCS has any bearing on this case. This doctor seems to have serious alcohol and prescription drug-related and domestic problems, the description of which appear to warrant her suspension. I wouldn't want her as my doctor.
I don't know how she treated her MCS patients, but if there were issues regarding her treatment of them, I am certain that the information would be included in this case. No such information is included.
I have sensitivities to almost all soaps, shampoos, conditioners,deodorants, cosmetics, fragrances, cleaning products and laundry products. These things make me itch, develop hives, get headaches, and sometimes experience vertigo. It is hell (and expensive) trying to find the few products I can tolerate.
My suspicion is that these sensitivities developed because my father was the office manager of a soap and chemical company for most of his working life. He frequently brought home new products for our family to try, including floor sweeping compounds, liquid soaps, fragrance samples, bath products and more. We were guinea pigs for new product additives (in the 1950s) such as lanolin and coconut oil. For some reason I was affected, but the others weren't.
Many years ago when I worked at a newspaper in NJ, my eyelids would puff up, my face would turn red and my eyesight got blurred every Saturday afternoon because the weekend cleaning staff was using some cleaning product that badly affected me. I had to stop using certain contact lens products because the polyvinyl alcohol in them made me so dizzy I couldn't drive. When I get my hair cut I have to ask the stylists not to use setting lotion or hairspray. If they inadvertently do, it means starting all over again by washing the stuff out.
I don't wish MCS on you or on anybody, Archae, but I do wish you could see how it affects me and other people.