Mysterious ways [View all]
I live and work in the Pittsburgh area. A few days back a friend/coworker posted a cute story about her drive into work; due to traffic congestion she opted to take a geographically longer but un-delayed route.
On this road less traveled by she encountered several small dogs or puppies playing in the street, so she stopped and ushered them back to the home from which they likely originated. The owner was very grateful and wasn't even aware that the dogs had gotten out.
My friend is not spiritual nor religious and posted this as a sort of "glad to be in the right place at the right time" story.
Predictably, two dozen people chimed in to tell her that God steered her onto that road so that she would be in a position to do the right thing, because God works through us, etc. She was gracious and received their comments politely but didn't reply. In response, I posted "Dog works in mysterious ways," which she Liked.
Anyway, mere hours before God decided to use my friend as a dogcatcher, six people were shot and killed in nearby Wilkinsburg.