In reply to the discussion: Anyone here enjoy being " a loner"???? [View all]catchnrelease
(2,029 posts)Nothing as good as being left alone to do what you want, when and how you want to do it without having to explain yourself. I've always been a "loner", even as a kid I liked to play make believe games on my own. Several years ago I learned about what being an introvert is and it reinforced my feeling that there is nothing wrong with how I want to live/be. So now, luckily I am also retired, I can pretty much make my own schedule to do what I want and only deal with "people" when I feel like it. Of course there are still some times I have to deal with crowds, but generally it's because they are part of the activity that I want to do--a concert, quilt, dog or garden show, things like that. But now I also know how to recover from being in a sea of humanity.
I have to note that I do have a small core group of friends, most who are also loners, that have a great time getting together for a meal once a month or so. But I think our get togethers are theraputic for all of us.