Zinke and Noem Cheer Trump Order to Cut Pay for Outfitters' Workers [View all]
Trumpist Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke dropped by the Badlands and an old Minuteman missile silo yesterday with Rep. Kristi Noem to tout Interiors good neighbor policy. Too bad he couldnt also support a good employer policy; yesterday Trump reversed a 2014 executive order by President Barack Obama that guaranteed better pay for workers on federal lands:
Trumps executive order, which takes effect immediately, was unveiled just ahead of the Memorial Day weekend, when summer tourists begin descending on national parks and other lands in large numbers. It also comes at the request of outfitters, who say paying a higher wage would limit the number of employees they can hire, while also raising costs.
In 2014, President Barack Obama had required federal contractors to pay at least a $10.10 hourly wage, an order that was later extended to private businesses who hold federal permits for taking customers onto public lands. Trumps action vacates the latter provision [Thomas Burr, Trump Exempts Public-Lands Outfitters and Guides from Obama-Era Order to Pay Their Workers Higher Wages, Salt Lake Tribune, 2018.05.25].
Zinke and Noem cheered this anti-Obama, anti-worker decision:
Zinke says Trumps order will have a positive effect on rural economies and American families.
Noem, a Republican who is running for governor, says the order also will help expand the kinds of experiences people can have in South Dakota [Zinke, Noem Announce Trump Rollback for Outfitters, Guides, AP via Watertown Public Opinion, 2018.05.25].
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