Our clueless GOP Rep. Dusty Johnson thinks a $600 stimulus check is enough for people who are [View all]
Our clueless GOP Rep. Dusty Johnson thinks a $600 stimulus check is enough for people who are crushed by the pandemic.
Even with his president and party leader Donald Trump expressing frustration over the measly 600 bucks that the covid relief bill passes out to Americans, South Dakotas lone U.S. House Rep. Dusty Johnson voted against a measure that would increase the payout to two thousand dollars. The measure itself passed the House 275 - 134, with 44 Republicans joining 231 Democrats supporting it.
I invite Dusty to explain the rationale for his vote, but in the meantime find it hard to accept that he believes this pittance of a payout will seriously help millions of Americans who are on the brink of financial disaster. Talk about being out of touch. Average monthly apartment rent in the United States is $967.00, with South Dakotas coming in at $722.00. The 600 bucks wont even cover a months rent. Distributed to the average-sized American household of 3.23 people, it wont even cover two months rent in most of the country
A lot of people are out of work and need enough money to scratch along for a few months until we all get vaccinated and the worst of the pandemic is behind us.
Taking in the various factors that go into compiling unemployment statistics, the financial information website Marketplace computes that about 30 million Americans are unemployed. Six hundred bucks a person wont stretch very far for these folks. Dusty needs to explain why he thinks thats enough to get them through a crisis that was no fault of their own in the first place, and aggravated by the GOPs refusal to take it seriously in the second.
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