"This alt-right network has pushed the envelope of political legality since Watergate and the Reagan Administration. It is comprised of white nationalists that have worked strategically to infiltrate local and state governments, members of the Republican party, alt-right media strategists; conservative policy think tanks and generous donors.
All their activity, though, can be traced back to the efforts of five people: Bert Rein, Richard Wiley, the Koch Brothers, and Robert Mercer.
Bert Rein and Richard Wiley
Together they formed the firm Wiley, Rein and Fielding. After parting from Wiley and Rein, Fielding would go on to represent Blackwater Worldwide.
Rein worked as part of Reagans presidential transition team and teamed up with conservative billionaire Robert Mercer to form the Heritage Foundation
Paul Manafort
Newt Gingrich
Jeff Sessions
David Bossie
The far-right continued testing the boundaries of political behavior through the 1990s as the election of Democrat Bill Clinton put the Republicans on the defensive. Attack campaigns increased in prevalence and pundits that engaged in political attacks also increased their value in both the public eye and within the Republican party. Legal attacks against Democrats such as the Clintons also because a widely-used tactic to advance the right-wing agenda. Among those that gained prominence for their methods of attack were Kellyanne Fitzpatrick (Conway), George T. Conway III, Matt Drudge and Andrew Breitbart."
and on and on it goes describing the long history among these people and their antics