So I'm supposed to believe there is no proof of election tampering... [View all]
when every outlet in the nation said HRC would win handily.
when 99% of every newspaper said it too.
when REPUBLICANS were saying, and I quote, "I can't *even*"
but I am supposed to believe that no one tampered with say, 50k or 60k votes to hand this to whom they wanted.
I am supposed to believe that Russia didn't bribe anyone.
I am supposed to believe that there was a "whitelash" (aside: lots of impressionable dems are falling for this bullshit too, Van Jones, I'm looking at you)
I am supposed to PROVE they did this when they've hardly even hidden it.
I am supposed to PROVE they did it, and no one can investigate the machines.
I am supposed to BELIEVE that there was a groundswell of hate.
I am supposed to accept that "Oh well, time to lick our wounds and move on"'s time to stand and fight and let every PUSSY in the KGB/GOP that we aren't going to take this bullshit.
And they shouldn't be taking it either. Don't think it's lost that the Cold War Champions are sucking Russian cock every day they don't stand up and say "We wanted to win, but not like this"
Not ONE has the principles.