.. superiority.
As I said before, the Democratic party's fight over the last century was for a better deal for working people whether they live in urban settings or rural. Trying to accuse Democrats of not caring about working people, wherever they live, is a typical right wing disinformation technique. One which you have demonstrated RWers never get tired of pounding the drum for.
I can show pictures of closed up storefronts from just about every large city in the country. THe GOP have managed to con rural people for generations. Although they are good at conning working people in cities too, they do seem to be more successful in more rural areas.
the pictures you pasted from the HuffPo article are from Brownsville, Pa .. a huge 20 miles from Pittsburgh!
When the Democrats fight for better working conditions and wages and for an economy that creates jobs they are always fighting the GOP. The GOP has promoted legislation which facilitated consolidation of companies. Consolidating corporations eliminate jobs for little benefits in efficiency (which is the argument for consolidation you usually hear). Consolidation often has more to do with weakening unions - and lowering wages and decreasing workers abilities to negotiate with some parity with the corporate owners. The GOP has peddled "right to work" (for less than a living wage) more successfully in many of the areas we would call more rural or at least not large metropolitan areas.
If you are concerned for jobs for people - with a living wage - don't expect any help from the GOP. The Democrats have been fighting for that objective - for working people where-ever they live, rural or large cities for over a century.
Conning working people whether rural or urban, into voting for the GOP is a long standing practice of the Guardians of Plutocracy.
Be sure to thank the GOP for the great Trickle Down - Deregulation disaster of 2008-2009 which wiped out millions of jobs.