Hillary Clinton: The Guardian person of the year 2016 [View all]
Hillary Clinton: The Guardian person of the year 2016
By Debo Adesina | 01 January 2017 | 4:17 am
Love trumps hate. Good trumps evil. Light trumps darkness. Knowledge trumps ignorance. And hope will always trump despair. When Donald J Trump, the narcissistic real estate businessman, beat Hillary Rodham Clinton, former first lady and secretary of state to the presidency of the United States of America in the 2016 elections, a lie was practically put to almost all of those assertions.
With uncommon dignity, she ran a campaign of ideas for the future. But her opponent was and is a misogynist, a demagogue whose own ideas, to the extent that he had any, were warped, racist and downright insulting of our collective humanity. The appeal of Trumps campaign to the American electorate is still a phenomenon under scrutiny but it is enough to say he found listening ears in a people who, in despair, chose to accept his retail of fear instead of Clintons message of hope. So, Trump trumps Clinton.
But, America is the loser. She lost to a man whose definition of the truth is its exact opposite, one whose skyscraper of empty promises on the way to that electoral victory dwarfed the flagship of his real estate holding.
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