a lot of protest from locals in western MT who are every bit as outraged as any normal human being would be.
After hearing reports about the proposed rally, the Montana Human Rights Network teamed up with the Justus & Karin Rosenberg Foundation, a Jewish organization, to issue a challenge to deter the march.
The Foundation is encouraging people to make a donation to the MHRN for every minute of the rally. The funds for the project will go towards purposes that the neo-Nazis detest, such as increased security for Jews and Jewish institutions, trainings for community members on how to de-escalate and intervene in hate incidents, and educational events about the dangers of white supremacy and racism.
The JKR Foundation made an initial pledge of $10 for every minute of the march, up to $2,500.
MHRN co-director Rachel Carroll Rivas told The Huffington Post that they’ve received pledges from hundreds of people in the last few hours, from the Jewish community in Montana, and local and national allies.
“Hopefully having folks pledge per minute the racists march, deters them from doing so,” Carroll Rivas told HuffPost. “Maybe we raise no money, and that’s the best thing, or we do raise the funds. Either way, we’ll take those funds and put them towards things white supremacists hate.”
Montana’s Democratic and Republican lawmakers spoke out against the proposed rally in an open letter, warning that those who seek to publicize anti-Semitic views” shall find “no safe haven” in Montana.