Occupy Underground
In reply to the discussion: yes, 99% spring is a fraud [View all]Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)As I stated a few weeks back:
They have the money and big names to potentially co-opt the message: http://the99spring.com/who-we-are/
"there is no mention of the MIC, or for that matter the erosion of civil liberties, militarization and conduct of the police, criminal investigation of banks and multinational corporations, the escalating influence of money in politics, or the failed war on drugs. (I'm very pro-union), an I'm not in any way knocking the support of the big unions, but they are also highly political, purchase influence and unlikely to center out bad actors like the police unions who enable the PTB, or criminal enterprises that happen to employ unionized workers. I hope my concerns are proven wrong, but we should watch carefully where this goes."
So, are they trying to build a populist army to further their own causes, which happen to coincide with 'some' of Occupy's very diverse causes using the magnitude of Occupy's numbers. Like I said last time, I hope it works out well, yet I hope if anymore suspicious info comes out, that it becomes know before its too late. Please keep us posted Xchrom, and others, of their experiences. Stay Vigilant!
On edit: this post was largely in response to a post http://www.democraticunderground.com/12521786#post3 regarding an article: