S17: Global Solidarity for Global Justice!
Stop TPP & TPIP - Backroom Power Grabs for the 1%!
Get Corporate Money Out of Politics!
On September 17th, 2011, we came together to Occupy Wall Street to resist the destructive impact of unchecked corporate power and greed on our quality of life.
Two years later, instead of responding to the outrage of the 99%, the megacorporations are mounting a counterattack. . . .
Disguised as merely an international trade agreement, TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is, in fact, a corporate rights agreement, designed to make corporations more powerful than national governments and to roll back generations of environmental and social progress. TPP is being negotiated between the US, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Peru, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei Darrusalam, and Malaysia with other countries expected to join over time. TPP negotiations are taking place behind closed doors. The public is denied access to the negotiating texts of the agreement, but approximately 600 corporate advisers have full access and are using their influence to craft an agreement that will:
- create a system of global corporate governance that will supersede local, state/provincial, and national law -- allowing corporations to appeal to unelected tribunals of trade lawyers when our laws prevent them from damaging the environment or selling unsafe products.
- roll back and prevent further regulations on the financial industry designed to prevent another financial meltdown, and empower corporations
to attack financial mechanisms that reinvest in the 99%, including public banks and Robin Hood financial transaction taxes.
- offshore even more good-paying jobs to hyperexploitative sweatshops, in the process reducing organized labor's negotiating power. . . .