I concentrate on economics with politics on the side. If these two intersect with women, labor or the others, I don't go to specific fora to post, since I find that the main topic (economics) satisfies all my curiosities of all the aspects you list.
Follow the money, I always say.
Furthermore, after watching the dive-bombing that goes in these small areas, and having experienced some of that combat, I have no taste for it. Let those trolls, twits and partisans battle amongst themselves. They contribute nothing to my understanding of the subjects, and do no good for my regard for people in general.
In short, why paint a target on yourself?
If we were a sub rosa forum for Occupy, that would be different. But we aren't, and couldn't be.
The BOG has shut down all progressive discussion repeatedly, impugned posters of long standing, alerted for the most ridiculous of reasons, and completely shut off the conversation more times than I can count.
In short, this website (DU) is not geared to do what you want it to do. Nor is there any interest on the part of the Owners to fix that. Which is why I pretty much put my energy into the Stock Market Watch and the Weekend Economists threads. A group of like-minded, BS intolerant posters created a protected spot for haven and information sharing. We are a true community, providing education, humor and support.
You are welcome to stop in, see for yourself, stay a while, etc. It's not a closed group. But we do have more lookers-on than active participants. I suppose that's only natural. Not everyone has an axe to grind or a search for the Holy Grail going on.