jordan is rich with B&Bs in and around all the important destinations especially petra. even a one hour or one afternoon in the dead sea is a lifetime memory. my pictures of JORDAN's vast nature reserve and the traditional original village of DANA [dhana][the letter in arabic that looks like a tongue holding a flag pole]
WADI-RUM is where they shot lawrence of arabia and you can stay overnight in a genuine actual Bedouin tent with a family and they have a super cheap super clean government B&B
The B&Bs at Dana were the best i ever saw in the Middle East. rent a car. the roads are excellent. if possible rent a diesel. in some areas petrol is scarce. saluddin the great's fortresses all offer unbelievable vistas of the jordan valley. and you can't go through life not having been in petra and seen all of it [on a camel by far the easiest don't take the horse drawn coach the horse drawn coaches zip you bast some of the most interesting sights on the planet]
walk don't ride but the stairs go on forever at some locations. camel drivers are really nice. beautiful to see.
there are places on the jordon side that will live with you forever.
just don't accept a home invitation for tea because they WILL kill and cook a whole animal smothered in the most delicious rice almonds vegetables you ever ate. the most generous people anywhere in the middle east. and if you don't eat it all they will be heart broken.
i drove through jordan several dozen times and visted often when i was teaching in palestine. jordan is by far the most interesting tourist place i ever visited in north south america europe or the middle east. more comfortable and better maintained than equivalent tourist areas in turkey. nicer people. completely the opposite of saudi and kuwait. very very generous and accepting.
check out my other jordon pictures to get the idea.
definitely choose a good guidebook.
check out Couch Surfing and BeWelcome and other hospitality web sites for local free hosts. jordanians are generous beyond all measure and it is unforgettable what you can see and do.
one of the world's best nature preserves at dana village perfectly a 200 300 old village surrounded by old stone age wilderness take your camera. donkeys sheep goats camels too unbelievably beautiful arab horses. fruit!