UN condemns Syria, Iran, and North Korea for rights abuses [View all]
The UN General Assembly condemned human rights violations in Syria, Iran and North Korea on Thursday and demanded an immediate halt to actions ranging from attacks on civilians to torture and restrictions on freedom of movement.
The 193-member world body voted 135-12 with 36 abstentions in favor of a resolution demanding an immediate end to "widespread and systematic" gross human rights violations by Syrian authorities. It approved a resolution calling for an end to Iran's continuing use of torture, the death penalty and execution of minors by a vote of 86-32 with 65 abstentions.
We all know that the UN is regularly criticized for not acting expeditiously on some matters, but I am sure we can all agree that it is doing it job here and working towards a resolution on the conflict in Syria. Democracy is not always easy when the world body comes together, and the language on resolutions have to develop.
The important thing to remember is that the UN has spoken on this matter to end human rights violations by Syria of its own population. Whenever rouge nations anywhere threaten the peace of a region or a population the UN should speak to safeguard that human rights are maintained, that all rogue nations answer for their human rights violations by acknowledging these resolutions and that the world needs to act to ensure these resolutions are enforced.