Despite the UAE-Israel deal, Trump will leave the Mideast a bigger mess than he found it [View all]
The Middle East is like the mob: Just when presidents think they are out, they get pulled back in. George W. Bush wanted to devote his presidency to compassionate conservatism, but it was defined by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Barack Obama wanted to pivot to Asia and even withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq before sending them back to battle the Islamic State. And President Trump loudly proclaimed that GOING INTO THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE WORST DECISION EVER MADE.... IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY!
Yet it is this region that has provided Trump with his few foreign policy achievements. He has presided over the deaths of two major enemies of the United States Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, and Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Irans Quds Force. He can also take credit for the final destruction of the Islamic States caliphate largely by following the Obama blueprint. Now the region has provided his most notable indeed, virtually sole diplomatic achievement: the decision by the United Arab Emirates to become the third Arab state to recognize Israel, and Israels decision to postpone the annexation of its West Bank settlements.
In truth, Israel and the UAE have been drawing closer for years because of their shared fear of Iran. Trumps contribution was mostly inadvertent. The Middle East peace plan released by Americas crown prince, Jared Kushner, in January was a virtual invitation to Israel to annex West Bank settlements. If this had happened, it would have done lasting damage to the prospects of a two-state solution. Yet, with Trumps support, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appealed to right-wing voters by promising to make annexation a reality in July. The UAE offered Netanyahu a welcome way to renege on a reckless campaign pledge by offering diplomatic recognition in return for a postponement of annexation.
A fairly obvious conclusion, but a nice summary nonetheless.