History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: I've decided to use HOF for my farewell thread. [View all]Number23
(24,544 posts)I don't remember the last time I've actually enjoyed DU either. I used to think it was trolls. And while I do believe that's the case, it seems that there is a pervasive sense of Libertarian based foolishness that just SITS on this web site and clings like grim death.
It's the same crap that makes people discard issues that affect women. Or downplay racism.
In the past few months, I think it is very telling that two posts that alot of people have supported openly pine for the return to the Good Old Days and when minority posters protested were basically told that no one gave a fuck what we had to say. And another one that advocates for sitting by and doing absolutely nothing while Repubs take power because this will teach Dems a lesson. I don't know who or what these people are, but I know for a fact that I am not the only person who has noted that the one thing they are NOT is liberals.
I don't post much in this group but I agree with these folks more than I disagree, or at least I think I do.